Monday, November 08, 2004

The weekend that was...

The weekend finally passed away and I slept one hour extra today to
mourn its loss!
The last weekend was a trip to hell, this one particularly wasn't to
heaven but close enough!

Well farenheit 9/11 was certailny a thought provoking movie: not in
terms of the role of bush govt in the events, but generally as in who
actually wins in a war and the mentatlity of american ppl. I mean if
such a movie was released abt indian govt, i cant imagine what effect it
would have but certainly looking at the insinuations made, it would have
been overthrown!!
But what struck me the most were the closing remarks: "war is waged not
to win or lose but to maintain the heirarchy of society itself" (or
smthing to tht effect!!)

The second movie garfield was well, good! if u ask a garfield fan like
me, what else would u expect!!
But todays day has been ruined by the charachteristic oa
behaviour...refusing to run!!

I am holding on to the buoyant feeling of going home day after
tomorrow...and there's always tomorrow!!
so heres signing off.....and hoping for a better day tomorrow!!


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